CPA Firm in Campbell, CA for sale. This high quality firm has above average fees and a net profit to seller over 53%. Gross Revenue of approximately $530,000 is broken down to 62% Tax Preparation services, 35% Financial Statement reporting and 3% Misc./Consulting/Sales Tax/etc. Practice prepares approximately 160 Individual Returns with an average fee of $1,462 and 73 Entities with an average fee of $1,294. Over 90% of clients routinely drop off/email/mail documents and approximately 10% come in to the office for an appointment. Firm currently uses Lacerte, QuickBooks and CSA. This practice would transition best to a CPA with extensive tax & accounting experience who is kind, compassionate and friendly. Owner is looking forward to retirement but will remain to assist buyer in transition and during future tax seasons as needed. Practice is priced to sell as the seller is looking for the right fit for the clients. Much more information is available on the Practice Profile. Please complete the Buyer Profile and NDA online via the link below and the Practice Profile will be available for download immediately after submission.