Del Mar

Tax and Accounting firm for sale in Del Mar, CA. ref# DEL124. The Seller is looking forward to retirement but will make themselves available to ensure a smooth transition as client retention is very important, however they are not interested in staying on past the transition period. There are currently three full-time employees, two of […]

Pasadena #PAS124

CPA and Wealth Management firm for sale in Pasadena, CA. ref# PAS124. The Seller is looking forward to retirement but is willing to stay on part-time to ensure a smooth transition. The firm employs 3 full-time employees and 1 part-time employee year-round, all of whom are likely to stay after the sale. For tax and […]

Westlake Village

EA firm for sale in Westlake Village, CA., ref#WLV223. This firm was established in 2004 and currently operates out of the Seller’s home office. The office needs to be moved since the practice is currently home based and the Seller believes that anywhere ins the Ventura/Los Angeles or Canyon County regions would work well for […]

Simi Valley

EA firm for sale in Simi Valley, CA. ref# SIV123. This sole-proprietor firm was established by the Seller in 1979 and has been operating in its current location for the past 24 years. The Seller is looking forward to semi-retirement but is willing to continue working a reduced number of hours for the next year […]

Mendocino Remote

EA firm for sale in Mendocino, CA. ref# MEN123. This firm is 100% income tax preparation and can be operated remotely from a tax office outside of the immediate region. The firm generates approximately $141k of gross revenue from 311 individual clients with an average fee of $419 and 25 Entities with an average fee […]