CPA Firm for Sale in Newport Beach, CA. This firm generates approximately $178k from 52 Individual Tax clients with an average fee of $1,150, 26 Entities with an average fee of $1,813, 2 Accounting/Bookkeeping clients with an average fee of $2,783/mo., and recurring Tax Planning & Consulting fees of approximately $38k per year. Approximately 85% of clients will drop off/email/upload/mail their documents while about 15% would like an in-person appointment. Seller is looking for an established CPA with excellent communication skills for best retention. Office is located close to Orange County airport and Seller is open to working for the Buyer after sale, if desired. Firm uses Lacerte & QuickBooks. Much more information is available on the Practice Profile. Please complete the Buyer Profile and NDA online via the link below and the Practice Profile will be available for download immediately after submission.